Hello, I cut the hair off. Spring Break is here. What is going on back home? I have missed much of my truest and dearest friendships back home. I have had quite the week. I can't wait to travel to Europe. I don't want it to be an escape, but I have hopes that it will be much more than that. As of now, I can't wait to get away.
I could not be more ready.
Je suis fatigue.
Relax and watch a few of these
chic indie flicks.
Until Next time,
omgg your hair!
it looks cool.
i want to dye my hair black when i go home, or something..i just want to do something diff with it.
i stalk your blog. k cool.
hey lil sis so ur out n about now huh jus b careful!!!!!! dont want to have to go rambo on n e of them places u @. love u much! b safe n let me know if u need ne thing!!
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