Friday, December 19, 2008

planes. plans. paris. and indonesia.

Finals are always a stressful time for us as students. Lately, I feel like my emotions are extremely sensitive. I am on all extremes this past week, including today. I had a literature final today that really just drained every last bit of me. I physically felt my body slowing down and coming off of a mental study high. Then I received the news that I was accepted into the Europe Semester for 2009 Fall Semester. As did my boyfriend and three amazing friends. I don't know how many people or who was all accepted, but I cannot wait. 

Since my senior year, my heart has been longing to return to Paris. I just loved the atmosphere and people, fashion and relationships I established while there. It is just absolutely captivating. I want to live in Paris for a year and establish a partnership with a company to expand my international movement. 

In relation to traveling, I was also accepted to go on the Indonesia missions trip for a little over a month this coming summer. I was hoping for Russia at first, but ever since I talked to my friend Julie, my heart has really been opened and prodding at thoughts on Indonesia. I have never given the country the slightest thought before I was asked to go on this trip. I can not believe how God just takes your plans and throws them out the window. We think that it doesn't make sense or is hurtful, but God just shows that his plans are always better. 

I plan to take up the offer to go to Indonesia and Europe. The two trips are completely different but that is what life is about. My heart longs to venture to new places and see the beautiful smile lines of someone that lives hundreds of thousands of miles from myself. 

I need to see the world for what it is. I need to get out of this American confined mentality. I hate it. I want to be a vessel. I want to be a pilgrim. God is just allowing me to be defined through his works and not solely the passion or wants of my own. 

I ask you to pray for me. I know nothing. I will soon be filled only to be emptied again. 

Until further news, 

1 comment:

QuiefQueens said...

CONGRATS. your going to have a blast..yeah so Ive been totally thinking about traveling and then i saw your post about traveling, & i was like cool!
so the other day i was super bored at home, it was raining and i just sat behind a computer all day wasting time, but then i started during research and stuff on volunteer work abroad. im super stoked, like the idea of going somewhere is soo exciting. there are so many programs out there, but i only want to go for a little bit, because there are many other things i want to accomplish this summer. but yeah, i was looking at a few different programs. there's one called cross cultural solutions, and i signed up for info about going to russia. and then there's this other program..i think i really want to go to honduras and peru! man, it seems like so cool, but idk i guess i shld look around and keep my options open. but the one in honduras, i want to volunteer at an orphanage, & then in peru, i could help with this conservation program in cusco(the inca capital) I'm really excited.
i was telling jay about it yesterday on aim, & i told him I need to find buddies to travel with me, like i am determined to go away for just a few weeks, not too long. so if people dont go with me, im willing to go alone..but id rather go with some friends or one friend at least, bc it can be dangerous out there..he was telling me how he heard russia is dangerous, and he said people get robbed at gun point..anywho, the point is ive been thinking about traveliing too! my plan was to invite close friends from home, to see if anyone was interested, but if not i could ask around my friends at ucsc.
but the only thing is traveling and some of these programs are expensive, and i dont got money! so i have to get a job really bad! one that pays good!

but i have come up with this new theory on mission trips and how i feel about them..our opinions will prob really differ on this one, but hopefully we could talk about it when your home.